Thursday, November 24, 2011

 Back to the 1100 tail:
With some vellum, I outline the areas where I want the stock looking stripes placed
These sketches are scanned and imported into Corel

The stripes are drawn for the side panels and the top of the tail using the stock widths and spacing
Now I have to find a graphics place to cut the stripes from matching gold vinyl
Last Sunday it wasn't all that warm, but warm enough for a quick ride
I have to take advantage of any half decent day because it could be the last
 A couple of weekends ago it was unseasonably warm so Tim and I met up with Steve at his house for a ride to Port Dover
 Steve and Tim in the Horton's parking lot in Port Dover
Steve cupping a Harley guy's balls
Seriously, Harley guy...
 Parked for some refreshments
Here I am waiting for Tim to buy his wife a make up T shirt for spending the day in Port Dover

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I had to differentiate my old helmet from my new Shoei so I striped it
Now I'm that guy with a matchy helmet

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It turned out to be nice so I dragged all the bikes out of the garage and washed them, took them for a ride, filled them up and put stabilizer in them.
The primer '78's battery went south so I had to switch batteries around. This after just replacing the 1100's battery. I shouldn't complain as these were the batteries that came with the bikes; I'm lucky they lasted this long, I guess.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I wanted to go to Welland to see if John Bennett can help me figure out my idle problems on my primer '78 so  I recruited some pals ; Steve, Gary, Kirk and Marv and we made a day of it

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There were many bikes in Port Dover even though it wasn't Friday the 13th
Rick, Steve and I are waiting in Oakland for Gary and then on to Port Dover
The weather was great because this was in August
I'm a little tardy in posting this
Here is another pic with the new seat

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I put some satin black on the tail
Ultimately, it will get gloss black and stripes to match the bike
From the bottom you can see where the tail sits on the frame and the tongue at the front

The turn signals are bolted on to the shock mounts and plugged into my harness which is plugged into the bike's harness
With the 5 into 4 module, the turn signals will also be running and brake lights

The turn signals are attached to the brackets

Saturday, October 15, 2011

These are the brackets I made to mount the turn signals to the shock mounts
The stalks have been cut off of the original mounts and welded to these plates
Where the wires will go through the plate a grommet is placed

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Steve, Rick and I left my house and rode to Grand Bend for lunch. I took my other '78 which I put my newly modified and primered '79 tail on since it's tail is at Tom's for upholstery. The mount for the dual headlight is still a work in progress and I lost a couple of bolts holding it on. My brother thinks one hit him on the leg at speed. The headlight stayed in place
We stopped in Tavistock on the way back for gas. Tavistock is a hotbed for Krugs and Crokinole

The seat is back from Tom's Upholstery and I think it looks fantastic
The tail is at Tom's so I installed the bar end mirrors, the LED stop,tail,turn signal lights and the GPS/iPhone mount that my kids bought me. I put a towel on the tank and took it for a spin

Here are some other views of the tail with the lip detail started and the seat pan bolted on
Soon it will go to Tom's Upholstery in Brantford to finish the seat. I sent a pic of the stock seat as a guide

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I took a ride out to the Schneider's sign to take some pics for an art project
I have seen this sign for years from the 401 but never this close
Steve, Gary and I are waiting for Tim for a ride to Port Dover
I'm working on a lip detail that will match the front fender
You can see the pan has been ground, filled and sanded and is now bolted to the tail
The T nuts are in place and will be Bondo Glassed to the bottom of the seat pan
 Marv and I rode to Stratford for dinner and as usual he stripped down to his shorts the way I like
We stopped again back in Kitchener

The seat pan has been fiberglassed and needs to be trimmed

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The tail has been taped and aluminum foiled in preparation for fiberglassing the seat pan
This picture will be sent to Terry at Tom's Upholstery in Brantford so he can emulate the pattern on the new seat