Saturday, June 30, 2012

Steve and Gary came in from Brantford, I came in from Kitchener and we met at a Hortons in Ancaster
They are practising for the border
Notice how clean our bikes are

Laconia 2012 Leaving Home

I have been bugging my brother to ride to Laconia for years now, so this year his friend Gary catches wind of this and runs with it. He booked a hotel in Laconia before we could decline but that's really what we needed; someone to take control. I don't know why I agreed to this but I think it was because I didn't check a map and really didn't consider the amount of riding involved
The plan was to ride to Laconia the Friday before the bike week started, do the Weirs Beach thing on Saturday and ride home on Sunday. Like I said, I didn't really think this through
This is my '78 warming up in the driveway at 6am on Friday

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Paris Hortons

Here we are in the parking lot of Hortons in Paris
Our bikes are almost identical just like my brother and me. Ha

Steve continued on to Brantford and I looped back through Ayr and home

It really is a nice ride to Paris
We encountered this on the backroads to Paris

I decided to accompany him back as far as Paris but we needed to get gas first

I took my matching '80

Steve picked up his bike

Back in May, Steve came up with our Mom and his son Alexander to pick up his bike that he left at my place

Alexander became the photographer
It started to cool off and the crowd was starting to thin so it was time to go

Steve's bike fired up with a new fuse and made it back to Brantford

We thought it may be a fan motor related problem and when he went to investigate he found that a squirrel had lodged a walnut between the fan and the shroud so when the bike got hot and the fan tried to turn it couldn't and the fuse blew. Ha

Steve fondling balls again (girl balls)

The we did a lap of Port Dover and checked out the bikes
Ricker showed up later on his rat 1200
As we arrived in Port Dover Steve blew a main fuse. This had been happening infrequently prior to the Port Dover run so it wasn't a huge surprise. He continued to blow them so he ended up walking his bike to our parking spot

Friday the 13th in April

We made our pilgrimage to mecca again in April on Friday the 13th

I rode down from Kitchener and met up with Steve, Tim and AJ in Brantford and then we rode to Boston and met Gary at the Boston Baptist Church

Pastor Peter Lemont and his crew were greeting bikers on their way to Port Dover and offering up hotdogs and donuts
His current ride, an '86 Goldwing, was out of commission due to a fried stator

Yes, that's Tim showing the sign of the devil in front of the church, turning himself into a lightning rod

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The 2 holes at the back are for a GL emblem like the front fender
I cleared it with a heavy dose of orange peel but I colour sanded and buffed it and it looks pretty good
Pic to follow

The thicker stripe was laid first against the painters tape and the thinner stripe was free handed next to it
With painters tape I marked the perimeter
Drawing the stripes wasn't a complete waste of time because I printed them out and used them as a guide for the Plan B stripes

'80 Tail Stripes

I traced the outline of the panels of the tail, scanned them and imported them into Corel
The stripes were drawn with the same widths and feel as the stock stripes
The plan was to have them cut from vinyl and clear over them but unfortunately I couldn't find vinyl to match the colour of the existing stripes
So...I had to revert to plan B; I have some gold vinyl stripes left over from my '78 and helmet so I'll try that

Working on the Tails

We had some great weather in April so I dragged the '78 tail and the '80 tail out and did some sanding and painting

My Brother Bought a 1980 Standard Goldwing

Back in March my brother bought himself a Goldwing which I have documented on the Naked Goldwing site. It was a harrowing trip (for him):