Saturday, November 14, 2009

The sun got low in the sky and we left too late. It was very cold riding home when the sun went down

We saw Rick and his wife and his 1200
There was a surprising number of people in Port Dover

Here is Steve stopped for gas in Simcoe. The tail light and licence plate attached with packing tape

Friday the 13th in November wasn't really on my radar screen since I normally don't like to freeze my butt off riding to Port Dover, so when it turned out to be nice I had to scramble to get it together to make the trek. Steve's bike was in the shop so I offered up my newest '78. The only problem was I had it all apart, so I had to bodge it back together to make it rideable and legal for the trip. Pretty was not in the equation.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I went for a spin to check out my bag/GPS rig. It works great. You can also see the camera mount I made, attached to the left mirror base