I decided to fast track the LED installation by using an LED stop/tail light from a trailer light like the cafe tail previously and LED amber side marker light guts for the turn signals. They are mounted to a piece of thin plywood and the plywood is attached to the tail light mounting bolts. Everything fits like it was meant to be, so this may be the finished product. It will save me hours of work soldering LEDs
Since I'm going LED there will be a lot of empty space in the tail light so I decided to chop the lens. Here are some pics to compare with a stock light
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's spring and thoughts turn to what? Getting another Goldwing. I don't know what happened, one minute I'm on Kijiji, the next there is a strange Goldwing parked in my driveway. Another '78. This is getting very difficult to justify (to my wife)